My birthday is this week. I've gone through a period of severe depression and isolation. Within this period, I distanced myself from friends, loved ones, uninspired, and became someone I'm not. It wasn't until recently when my partner said they didn't like the new Spencer. I agree. I don't really like what I've recently become.
I remembered the days from a few years ago when my partner and I would put on a movie; I'd sit and paint and he'd be there with me... just enjoying each other's company. I realized my wishing for that again depends on me. I became what I am and I can change it.
I am truly lucky to have such an amazing person in my life. He inspires me so much. I inspire him. Life is too short to worry about the little stuff. It's focused on creation, love, and laughter. Why fear the future? as long as I'm doing what makes me happy with the person I love... I don't need anything else.
Inspiration... I've been lucky to have 3 muses in my life;
Rachel Lisi
Nick Horan
Gina (Raven)
For these three I am exceptionally grateful. I've created so many wonderful things because of them. Gina always can give me the edge I need. Rachel always had inspiring names that she'd tell me for me to create into a figure. and Nick, well, Nick brought color into my life. All three have pushed me to be my very best.
I'm now inspired to go back to some old ideas I had a few years ago and tweak some of them. I received amazing Christmas gifts this year that have given me inspiration overload. I will be expanding on my women of color series. I have a bunch of small one character painting that I want to create just for fun and for cheap.
I'm smiling a lot after this past weekend, the grey clouds have cleared, and I have a happy face on.
Thank you for those (2 of you ) that read this. :)
happy birthday! very happy to hear you're happy :)
Glad things are going so well for you now! You're an amazing artist and I look forward to seeing your new pieces!
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