Monday, February 6, 2012

Poem- The Helpless Romantic

I'm that guy
 That cares too much
I am that person
 Seeking love's sweet touch
The individual within shadows
 So his partner may shine
A fool for a thousand hearts
 Wishing one were mine
When deceived
 I'll bite my tongue
When disgraced
 I'll bide my time
In this world of broken promises
 What is his, is never mine
Careless am I of personal gain
 Selfless am I to what I'll give
Wandering through streets uncertain
 I'll bare it all and that's how I'll live
I am that guy
 Who cares too much
I'm that lover
 In life, out of touch.

by Spencer Meyers


Anonymous said...

Beautiful. You won't always be that guy. It's a sublimely put reflection of a moment in our long varied lives. Being that guy prepares you for a wonderfully loving union with someone who utterly fits you. They will be The Luckiest.

Spencer Meyers said...

Thank you kindly for these words.
I do wish I knew who said them. Very kind.